Thursday, April 16, 2009

Outside Reading: Blog 1

For outside reading, I'm reading a book called The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards. This novel is about a doctor by the name of Dr. David Henry and his wife Norah who live in the year 1964 in Lexington, Kentucky. One day during the middle of a blizzard, his wife starts to go into labor causing them to drive to his clinic that he works at to deliver their child. The doctor they called in got stuck in the snow leaving just Dr. Henry and his nurse that works for him to deliver this baby. Unknown to him, his wife had twins but one was born mentally challenged which he didn't want to have to struggle with during his life so he gave the baby to Caroline, the nurse, and told her to take it to a clinic. In the mean time he has to tell his wife that one of the twins died. She decides to have a church service for it and invite all her friends to mourn the death of the baby. When she tells her husband he replies, "You're making a mountain out of a molehill, Norah. Which, I suppose, its understandable." This quote symbolizes that Dr. Henry thinks his wife is making a big deal out of nothing when really it is totally understandable since she needs a way to overcome the death of a child. 

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