Tuesday, May 5, 2009

BLOG 3 pages 123-188

Many important events occur in this section such as: Norah gets a job, Paul attends school, Caroline continues the fight for equal education for specially challenged children, Al asks her to marry him and after the third time she agrees AND while Norah and David are on vacation with much older Paul, they meet a man named Howard who Norah begins to fall in love with. One quote that sticks out is when Norah is explaining how see feels when she's hugging Howard, "Norah let her breath out, slowly, slowly, wondering if Howard could feel the wild rapid pulsing of her blood." The fact that Howard is making Norah's pulse increase shows that she has feelings towards him and that she feels connected to him in more ways than just a friendship. It's significant because David is not the loving affectionate guy she fell in love with oh so long ago and it shows that she wants someone else in her life. Throughout the remainder of their vacation Norah secretly sees Howard at his vacation home and they continue to get closer and closer. This leads me to wonder how far their "friendship" will last especially since Howard is in the middle of a divorce himself and Norah questions daily why she is still married to David. 

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